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L&T gets Rs 8,250 crore Riyadh Metro order

Engineering and construction company Larsen & Toubro (link) has won a sizeable international order from the Arriyadh Development Authority (link), as part of a consortium to build a metro for the city of Riyadh, in Saudi Arabia. L&T said that it has got an order worth $1.4 billion or Rs 8,250 crore for design, construction and commissioning of a metro project.


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Apollo completes Welspun deal despite share falling by 26%

Apollo Global Management had announced in end-June that it proposes to invest about Rs 1,575 crore in steel pipe-maker Welspun Corp and affiliated companies. Welspun’s share closed at Rs 169 the day before the deal was announced. Apollo was to invest in a combination of debentures and global depositary receipts, at a conversion price of Rs 225, indicating a premium of about 33%.

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Vodafone parks 5.5% India stake with Piramal Healthcare

Vodafone Plc announced that Piramal Healthcare, Ajay Piramal’s group flagship, will pay $640 million or about Rs 2,900 crore to acquire a 5.5% stake in Vodafone Essar. This will help raise cash for Vodafone as well as allow it to remain compliant with India’s foreign direct investment rules for the telecom sector, which mandate a 74% foreign shareholding cap.

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Glenmark takes Napo to arbitration over crofelemer

Napo Pharmaceuticals Inc, the innovator company behind anti-diarrhoea drug crofelemer, is finding itself in litigation with its partners. The company owns crofelemer, a novel anti-diarrhoeal drug under development, which is in advanced stages in the clinial trial process and is widely anicipated to hit the market.

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JB Chemicals sells Russian Rx biz to Dr Reddy’s; next is what?

JB Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals made headlines recently when it sold the over-the-counter business in Russia and the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) to Johnson & Johnson. Now, it has announced the sale of prescription part of the business to Dr Reddy’s Laboratories, another player with a significant presence in Russia.

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Khazanah to partner IDFC to create road infrastructure

Malaysia’s sovereign wealth fund Khazanah Nasional Berhad and Infrastructure Development Finance Company (IDFC) are setting up a joint venture to fund road construction in the country. After energy, road construction is one of the key areas for the government to lower the infrastructure defcit. Khazanah’s value of assets was Malaysian Ringitt (RM) 112.6 billion or about Rs 168,000 crore as of December 31. Continue Reading →

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